The department of "renovations" of REKANOX HOLDINGS LTD is able to take any form of renovations in your private or commercial space.
PRIVATE ROOMS - With several years of experience and several completed renovations the REKANOX HOLDINGS LTD can undertake any form of home renovations, apartment or cottage. Keeping all modern standards and requirements concerning construction, our experienced company staff can faithfully follow the plans and terms of the Architect and / or of your Decorator to properly complete and execute the renovation or if you like your company can undertake the design part of your renovation via our company's design department in combination with your own needs.
COMMERCIAL SPACE - With several years of experience and several renovations completed the REKANOX HOLDINGS LTD can undertake the renovation of any commercial space such as shops, coffee shops, offices etc. With several renovations completed on public roads and in shopping centers, our company, knowing all the pre-required procedures of working in any field, are able to take your renovation in correspondence to all legal procedures and providing all the necessary entry permits to start constructions. In the commercial sector, our company can take over the entire process of renovation and in combination with quality results at the completion of the renovation and in combination with the fast-paced working program and always making sure to apply to all rules, is able to deliver any renovation both qualitative and quickly. In respect to the business world and bearing in mind that each day of operation of any store, cafeteria, restaurant etc. is important in both revenue and customer retention, we have established a system of 'A TO Z "whereby, with double workgroups and in combination with our experienced scientific personnel that oversees and monitors all the processes of a renovation we can offer the quality and speed combination.